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Honeybee Removal Guide to Eco-Friendly No-Kill Pest Control

Las Vegas Bee Removal

Bees play an important part in our natural world pollinating flowers and plants that provide us with food.


However, when they decide to build their hives near our homes, it can become a problem.


In our honeybee removal guide, we'll introduce you to our company, Vegas Bees, experts in no-kill, eco-friendly pest control in Las Vegas.


We'll cover the different types of bees, the importance of bees, the cost of bee removal, and various methods of pest control available.


Additionally, we'll discuss how to prevent bees from returning and explore no-kill bee pest control practices we use at Vegas Bees in Las Vegas.

Pete removing bees at Silverstone Golf Course

Pete Removing Bees

Why Choose Live Bee Removal in Las Vegas?

Betsy in her pink beesuit

Keeping the Bees Safe


Bees are important to our lives, food supply, and the balance of nature.


They pollinate flowers and plants that provide us with delicious food and keep our surroundings looking beautiful.


Choosing a Las Vegas bee removal company that uses eco-friendly methods to remove bees without harming them ensures both peace of mind for you and a sustainable future for them.


Selecting the Right Las Vegas Bee Removal Company


When looking for a bee removal company in Las Vegas, Henderson, or Boulder City, it's crucial to choose a reputable and experienced service provider.


This ensures that bees are removed safely and effectively without causing harm.

Common Places for Bees to Nest in Las Vegas

Bees Will Nest Anywhere

By understanding where bees typically nest, you can take preventive measures to keep them away from your Las Vegas property.


  • Trees: Bees often establish hives in hollow trees or other protected areas.


  • Sheds and Garages: Bees may find shelter in sheds and garages if they're left open or if there are cracks in the walls.


  • Attics and Walls: Bees may enter attics and walls through small holes or cracks and establish hives there.


  • Decks and Patios: Bees may build hives under decks and patios.


  • Sprinkler Irrigation Boxes: These are a favorite spot for the bees to call home.

Beehive Rescue at La Concha

Betsy Rescuing a Beehive

Eco-Friendly Bee Removal Methods by Vegas Bees

Pete and Steve doing a bee removal

Saving  Honeybees

Humane Bee Removal Techniques


Vegas Bees uses humane and straightforward methods for bee removal in Las Vegas.


The process involves capturing the queen bee, moving honeycombs into a new beehive box, and relocating the colony to one of our apiaries.


This eco-friendly, no-kill pest control approach sets us apart from other Las Vegas bee removal services.


Saving the Honey Bees


Our commitment to saving honey bees in Las Vegas is evident in the care and attention we give during the removal process.


We ensure that bees remain calm and content throughout, making the process smoother and more efficient for everyone involved.

Dandelion Fields

Las Vegas Bee Removal

Types of Bees in Las Vegas & Their Impact on the Environment

Honeybees, Bumblebees, and Africanized Bees

Las Vegas is home to several types of bees, including honeybees, bumblebees, and the more defensive Africanized honey bees.


While honeybees and bumblebees are essential pollinators and generally harmless, Africanized honeybees can pose a threat to humans and pets.


In case you discover a swarm of bees, it's essential to call in a professional beekeeper to analyze and handle the situation safely.

These bees were living in a wood box

Beautiful Beehive

We Are Saving the Honey Bees

We Save More Than Just Honeybees

Bees in an icv box

Honeybee Nest

A baby bee flying


A wasp nest

Wasp Removal

Bees are living among us!


Well, if they weren't, we would be in a sticky situation. They pollinate most of the fruits, veggies, and nuts we love to eat.


Bee populations are declining worldwide due to a number of factors, so it's important we do what we can to help them.


By planting a diverse range of flowers, we not only support bees but also enjoy a more varied and colorful garden ourselves.


We also avoid pesticides and support our local beekeepers as well. These are two very easy ways to help the bees.


If you have bees on your property, you can also help out by having them removed by a bee removal company which saves them using eco-friendly methods.


We would love to remove your entire bee hive, frame the honeycomb, bee-proof the area, and, of course, remove the bees.


If the job involves removing bumblebees, yellow jackets, or wasps, that's no problem—they'll get the same delicate treatment.


We have done multiple wasp and bumblebee removals, and they are very different from honeybee removals. You have to have the skill set to be successful at their removal and relocation.


Please make no mistake thinking these bees and wasps are pushovers. They will be very defensive in protecting their homes. This is expected and commendable, as they should work hard to save their families.


At Vegas Bees, everyone has value, and their lives are important to us. They all get relocated and saved, as they should never be exterminated.


Nature places all life in a situation where it does good, and we see that side and help all who need our help and services.

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