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Support Saving Honey Bees

Why support beekeepers
Hoover hive with honeybees

Support the Bees and Beekeepers


  • Expertise and Skill: Bee removal isn't just a simple task of scooping up bees and relocating them. It requires specialized knowledge of bee behavior, the ability to handle bees safely, and expertise in using equipment like bee vacuums and hive boxes. Our extensive training and experience ensure that the removal process is done efficiently and safely, minimizing harm to both people and bees.



  • Specialized Equipment: Bee vacuums, hive boxes, and protective gear are just a few examples of the specialized equipment needed for bee removals. Investing in quality equipment not only ensures the safety of everyone involved but also enables us to carry out removals with precision and care.



  • Time and Labor: Bee removals can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, especially when dealing with large colonies or hard-to-reach locations. From initial assessment to final relocation, each step of the process requires attention to detail and meticulous execution. Our fees reflect the dedication and effort we put into every removal job.



  • Travel Expenses: Travel is always a necessary part of bee removals, whether it's driving across town or venturing into remote areas. We incur expenses related to fuel, time traveling to and from the job site, and delivering the bees to the apiary. Charging fees help us cover these costs and ensure we can continue serving a wide range of clients.



  • Mission and Values: Our business is centered on protecting bees and promoting sustainable beekeeping practices. By charging fees for our services, we fund initiatives that support bee conservation efforts, educate the public about the importance of bees, and provide our customers with the best service and value.


So, when you hire us for bee removal and relocation, you're not just paying for a service – you're investing in the future of beekeeping and helping to protect these vital pollinators for generations to come. It's a win-win for everyone involved – including the bees!

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Propolis and Honeybee Alchemy

Bees in their comb
Honeybees on young comb

The Process of How Honey Bees Create Propolis for Hive Health and Human Use

Did you know honey bees are experts in producing sweet honey and creating a sticky and valuable substance called propolis?


Propolis is a brownish, sticky material that bees make by mixing beeswax, tree resin, and other plant materials.


They collect these goodies from trees and plants and then use their mandibles to shape and incorporate them into the desired form.


But why do bees make propolis? One primary use is to seal gaps and cracks in the hive, which helps keep it warm, dry, and free from predators and other pesky insects.


Plus, propolis has antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an excellent natural defense against disease.


So, how do the bees make propolis? They start by collecting resin from trees and plants, such as poplar, birch, and conifer trees.


Once they have enough resin, the bees return it to their hive, adding saliva and enzymes to break it down and make it pliable. Then, they use their mandibles to mix and shape the propolis into the desired form.

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Propolis is the All Purpose Miracle

Very old honeycomb with bees on it

Benefits of Propolis

Once the bees have created propolis, they use it in many ways within the hive.


Besides sealing gaps and cracks, they also line the hive's interior with it to keep it clean and free from bacteria and fungus.

But propolis isn't just useful for bees—humans have been using it for centuries for its medicinal properties, such as treating sore throats, colds, and flu and skin conditions like eczema and acne.

So, is propolis safe for humans? Yes, it generally is. However, some people may have an allergic reaction to it. Humans usually harvest propolis by scraping it off the frames of the hive, and it can be used in cooking, although it has a strong flavor and should be used sparingly.

Honey bees are true geniuses of nature, creating honey and the unique substance of propolis.

About Me

What Are Las Vegas Bees Like?

Las Vegas Bees Have Their Unique Temperments


Despite facing challenging weather conditions, they still manage to thrive under the blue skies of Vegas. The attitude of these bees is relatable as it can mirror our moods on good and bad days.


Our experience shows that the majority of Las Vegas bees are docile and easy-going, which we fondly refer to as the "Friday Bees." They hardly seem bothered by our presence near their nests and rarely resist rescue efforts.


The "Wednesday Bees" are more complex in their temperament. While some are sweet and accommodating, others can be defensive and may sting you, causing pain and discomfort. Nonetheless, with the right approach, we can still rescue them successfully.


However, the "Monday Bees" can be highly territorial and defensive, and they will sting anyone who gets too close to their nest. During rescue efforts, they can also launch continuous attacks, causing exhaustion and frustration.

Viva Las Vegas Bees
Honeybees on the Las Vegas Strip
Water Sources

Africanized Bees in Las Vegas?

Pete removing bees in Las Vegas

Bee Removal in Las Vegas

Betsy with a Giant Honeycomb

Betsy and a Big Honeycomb

Yes, Most Are.

We know that most of our Las Vegas bees are Africanized Honey Bees (AHB) to some extent, with the genes having been changing over the years.


Though AHB's notorious reputation is waning, we still respect their space and protect their habitats to ensure peaceful coexistence.


It is crucial to handle bee infestations with care and avoid any form of aggression towards them.


Provoking them through spraying with water or other means can trigger their defensive instincts, and they may become aggressive toward humans.


Our client once poured water on a nest, and the bees retaliated, causing injury and a tense relationship between them. Therefore, it's essential to contact professional beekeepers to handle bee infestations safely and humanely.


Las Vegas honeybees display varying temperaments, some being friendly and others challenging. However, with the right approach, we can coexist peacefully with them.


Giving our rescued bees the best homes we can is very important. We love to place our bees in heavily insulated Apimaye Beehives.

About Me

Why We Have to Save the Honey Bees

Bee populations are buzzing in trouble, and the cause is anything but simple.


As beekeeping experts, we've seen it all, and we're here to tell you that, in our opinion, pesticides are the number one enemy threatening the survival of honeybees.


Imagine you're a hardworking honeybee on a mission to pollinate our planet. You're flying around, collecting pollen, and BAM! You unknowingly land on a flower sprayed with glyphosate, a harmful pesticide found in Roundup.


Suddenly, you're disoriented, and your navigation system is haywire. You can't find your way back to the hive and eventually die. That's what we're dealing with.


We need to take action against these pesticide-producing honey bee killers, or we risk losing our sweet honey production and the delicate balance of our ecosystem.


As beekeepers, we're dedicated to protecting the welfare of our bees and ensuring a sustainable future for our planet.


Let's face it: the world would be healthier without Roundup and glyphosate. We're not just beekeepers; we're environmental watchdogs on a mission to save the bees and the planet.


Join us in our quest for a better, pesticide-free future.

Bees Living in a Shed

Beehive in a shed
Betsy taking a break from a bee removal
Water Sources

My Fear of Bees Had to End

Pete the New Beekeeper

Fear of Bees is Crippling

This is Where it Gets Real

On April 4, 2022, she received a package of Italian bees and added them to the beehive. We both wanted local bees, but they were not the least bit attracted to the box.


The Italian bees are flourishing and happy. They are well-stocked with honey, which they will need throughout the lack of summertime nectar and the long, chilly winter. They are friendly bees that we adore. We visit them every week and make sure they are doing well.


My phobia was slowly disappearing as I was exposed to these bees weekly. But, it would take me becoming a beekeeper's apprentice to bring my fear under control.


Now, after saving a few hundred beehives in Las Vegas and several painful stings, I have come a long way with my phobia. The immersion with my fear worked, but I still have lapses from time to time. But that's ok.


See More Vegas Bees Stories About Honeybees and Bee Removals

Overcoming My Fear of Bees

I am still afraid of bees, although it is considerably less today. I have dealt with this irrational anxiety for most of my life.


It will take time to free myself from a fear I carried for over five decades.


I got into beekeeping because Betsy wanted a beehive. She was aware of my fear of bees, but she also knew I could overcome it one day.


So, I tried to avoid standing in the way of something she had wanted to do for many years.


She grew up living next to a beekeeper, Mrs. Breelove. Betsy would visit her and her bees often, and she planted the beekeeping seed in her.


When we purchased our Joshua Tree Preserve, Betsy's first order of business was to buy a beehive and set it up there. Sadly, it sat vacant for almost a year.


Read About Apiphobia: The Fear of Bees

Betsy with apimaye in summer
Betsy with Her Beehive

Betsy with Her Beehives

About Me

What is a Swarm of Bees?

Tree Swarm

Tree swarms are the most common and are a fantastic sight to see.


Unfortunately, the hive is usually almost silent, so you may never know one is there or even above your head!


Tread lightly around a swarm, you don't want them to become defensive.

Tree Swarm

Bush Swarm

This swarm is a work of art. We were in awe of their beauty when we arrived to save the bees.


They are now in their new home and enjoying their 10-frame beehive box, and their happy honey bee lives.


Our Blog has many stories about honeybee swarms.

Bush Swarm

Hidden Swarm

This swarm would never be detected unless you saw the bees fly to it.


The homeowner saw them and called to have them saved. So we put them into their new home, and they are a lovely group of ladies.


We love this sweet colony of honeybees.

Hidden Swarm
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