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Yellow Jackets and Picnics: What to do to Keep them Away.

Yellow jackets want all your picnic goodies
Yellow jackets want all your picnic goodies

The Uninvited Guest at Your Picnic: What Do Yellow Jackets Really Want?

You have the perfect setting for a picnic—a sunny day, a lush, grassy field, and a spread of delicious sandwiches and fruit salad.

It's the epitome of relaxation and joy. But wait, who's that buzzing around your watermelon slices and soda cans?

Yes, you guessed it—it's the infamous yellow jacket. While we're trying to enjoy our outdoor feast, these little critters have their own agenda.

So, what exactly are they after? Let's dive into the fascinating world of yellow jackets and their picnic preferences.

The Sweet Tooth of a Yellow Jacket

Yellow jackets are not just random visitors; they come with a plan. Their first pit stop is usually the sugary delights you've brought along. Here's a breakdown of their favorites:

  • Fruits: Grapes, watermelons, and other juicy fruits are like magnets to them.

  • Juice Boxes and Soda: The sugar content in these drinks is irresistible.

  • Cookies and Candy: If you've got sweets, expect some buzzing company.

These sugary items are prime targets because they offer quick energy, which is essential for their busy lives.

Protein: The Building Blocks They Crave

After satisfying their sweet tooth, yellow jackets move on to the protein section of your picnic. Here's what they're eyeing:

  • Meat Products: Chicken, ham, and hot dogs are high on their list.

  • Discarded Scraps: Any leftover meat or unattended kebabs are fair game.

  • Fish and Cheese: If available, these also get snatched up quickly.

These protein-packed foods provide the nourishing fats and proteins that are crucial for their survival and the well-being of their colony.

Yellow jacket wasps love a picnic just like us
Yellow jacket wasps love a picnic just like us

The Condiment Connoisseurs

Yellow jackets are also surprisingly sophisticated when it comes to condiments. They're not just about the main course; they appreciate the extras too:

  • Ketchup: A classic favorite, probably for its sugar content.

  • Mayonnaise: The aroma and fats are a big draw.

  • Salad Dressings: Whether it's ranch or Italian, they're all in.

A stray fry coated in ketchup or a dollop of mayo from your sandwich can be too tempting for them to pass up.

The Occasional Boozy Detour

You might find it surprising, but yellow jackets sometimes make a beeline for the beer cooler or wine bottle. While not exactly a 'health food' for them, the fermented sugar water in these alcoholic beverages can attract the occasional adventurous yellow jacket. The sweet, yeasty aroma is just too good to resist.

The Scavengers of Leftovers

Last but not least, yellow jackets are excellent at cleaning up. Any crumbs, abandoned plates, or dripping juices are quickly consumed.

With their bold appetites and sheer numbers, a squad of yellow jackets can collect an impressive haul from your picnic.

How to Dine Without the Buzz

Fear not, fellow picnickers! There are ways to keep these uninvited guests at bay:

  • Secure Your Food: Use coolers and tightly sealed containers.

  • Opt for Less Appealing Drinks: Water and unsweetened iced tea are your best bets.

  • Set Up Traps: Strategically placed away from the picnic area, these can lure the yellow jackets elsewhere.

With a bit of planning, you can enjoy your idyllic picnic just the way you envisioned it—a lovely blanket, a tree-shaded field, and a well-packed basket, all without having to share your feast with the buzzing invaders.

So go ahead and reclaim your perfect picnic experience. After all, it's your day in the sun, and no yellow jacket should take that away from you!

Betsy and Pete

Las Vegas, Nevada

About Us: The Authors

Betsy and Pete from Vegas Bees
Betsy and Pete from Vegas Bees

We're Betsy and Pete, passionate Las Vegas beekeepers trained by a master in the field. With hundreds of successful bee and bee swarm removals under our belts, we're not just experts; we're enthusiasts committed to the well-being of these incredible pollinators.

We manage dozens of beehives, both natural and honey-bearing at our Joshua Tree Preserve.

Our Commitment to Excellence

We believe education is an ongoing journey, especially in a field as dynamic as beekeeping. That's why we're continually updating our knowledge base, collaborating with other experts, and staying up to date with the latest advancements in bee control methods and beekeeping practices.

We also provide top-tier beekeeping supplies, offering everything a beekeeper needs, from beginners to experts.



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