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Your Guide to Bee Swarming Season

A massive honeybee swarm in a bush
A massive honeybee swarm in a bush

Bee Swarm Season in Las Vegas: A Guide to Safely Coexist with Buzzing Bees.

Spring has finally sprung, and with the blooming flowers come the blissfully buzzing bees.

March and April mark the bee-swarming season – it's like the bees are packing their tiny suitcases and moving into a new house!

In this guide, we'll dive into a fun chat about these fascinating insects and how we can coexist safely during their journey in Las Vegas.

Understanding Bee Swarm Season

 You're out for a leisurely walk, and you stumble upon a tree branch full of bees.

Are they just hanging out like a bunch of teenagers at the mall, or are they up to something?

They are probably just resting before they fly off to their new house. In Las Vegas, the bees can be European or Africanized, but to us, they're all just honey bees.

They all sting and make honey, so let's treat them with the respect they deserve and give them their personal space.

Swarming season is like a bee road trip

Our tiny friends fly from one place to another, searching for new homes. But just like us, they can get exhausted from their travels. So, they might take a quick break, hanging out on mailboxes, tree branches, or even your backyard water fountain.

Don't worry, they're just catching their breath, and as long as you don't bother them, they'll be on their way soon.

What to Do If You Encounter a Bee Swarm

Now, let's talk about wild bee hives, the bees' ultimate destination.

Think of these hives like their cozy little homes, complete with honey production and baby bees.

The bees are protective parents, so if they sense danger, they'll do whatever it takes to defend their homes.

Be extra cautious when using tools like lawnmowers or weed whackers near a hive, as the noise and vibrations can, and almost always, trigger their protective instincts. Then the guards are summoned!

If you discover a bee hive on your property, please don't play the hero. Removing a hive requires professional removal experts equipped with the gear and expertise.

Let the pros handle it, and avoid putting yourself or others at risk. You can contact us at Vegas Bees to remove your bees anytime. 

A beautiful bee swarm on a stucco structure
A beautiful bee swarm on a stucco structure

Safety Tips for Bee Swarm Season.

  1. Give bees space: If you spot bees, think of swarming bees as shy partygoers who just want to hang out without being bothered. If you leave them alone, they'll move on within a day or two. If they overstay their welcome, call in the professionals.

  2. In case of a bee attack: Cover your face with your hands or a shirt. Bees tend to aim for your head and face, so keep those areas protected! Find a shelter immediately.

  3. Escaping a bee chase: Find shelter in a car or building – anywhere but water! Bees might linger above the surface, waiting for you to come up for air. Once you're safe, stay aware of your surroundings. They can linger for a little while.

Preventative Measures

  • Keep an eye on your property for any buzzing activity.

  • Cover trash cans and recycling bins to avoid attracting hungry bees.

  • If you provide fresh water for your pets outdoors, do your best to keep their area bee-free.

Dealing with Bee Stings

Got stung? Stay calm! Remove the stinger by scraping it off with a flat edge, like a fingernail or credit card. Wash the area with soap and water, and apply a pasty mix of baking soda and water to the stung area. Use a cold compress to reduce swelling, and seek medical attention if needed.

Let's Sum it Up

As we've learned, bee swarm season is an exciting and essential part of the bees' lifecycle. By understanding their behavior and following the safety tips we've discussed, we can coexist peacefully with our buzzing buddies in Las Vegas.

Remember to give them space, stay vigilant, and call in professionals if you need assistance. With a little effort, we can ensure that both humans and bees enjoy the beauty of springtime.

And don't forget to share this article with your fellow nature lovers, so they can also learn how to safely coexist with bees during swarm season.

Happy buzzing!

Betsy and Pete

Las Vegas, Nevada

About Us: The Authors

Betsy and Pete from Vegas Bees
Betsy and Pete from Vegas Bees

We're Betsy and Pete, passionate Las Vegas beekeepers trained by a master in the field. With hundreds of successful bee and bee swarm removals under our belts, we're not just experts; we're enthusiasts committed to the well-being of these incredible pollinators.

We manage dozens of beehives, both natural and honey-bearing at our Joshua Tree Preserve.

Our Commitment to Excellence

Education is an ongoing journey, especially in a dynamic field such as beekeeping. That's why we continually update our knowledge base, collaborate with other experts, and stay up to date with the latest advancements in bee control methods and beekeeping practices.

We also provide top-tier beekeeping supplies, offering everything a beekeeper needs, from beginners to experts.



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